Dear Readers,

This is a blog for all, not just Nazareth so I feel the need to say what this blog is about. We, the students and alumni of Nazareth Academy, are losing our school, our home, our Alma Mater and joining with our rival school Aquinas. Here is my view, the view of a Nazareth student. Enjoy!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hey everyone! AQ Girl and I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Holidays!
Also if you are reading this, please answer the poll to the right of this post! It would help a lot. Thanks!
~Miss Naz~

Monday, December 20, 2010

Memories of last day

I feel like I have been sick for thirty years.
But thankfully all that is over and I am back with a memory:
So it was the very last day of Naz. We just had an amazing and fun dance concert and we were all running around on the front lawn. While I was standing there with some friends, one of last years seniors ran up to us and gave us all hugs. I don't think I will ever forget what she said. "I feel so bad for you guys! You don't get to have your awesome senior year and I feel so sad that today is the only day you will be able to see what it's like to be a Nazareth senior" (crying now) "You know it stinks that you guys never get to sing the senior song, you can't all be together next year, nothing will be the same. You can't have the senior year that you always pictured...."
We all gave her a hug after that.
Saddest day ever!
~Miss Naz~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I would like to start off this blog by saying sorry to the families of Mother of Sorrows students. Here at SOS we know what you are going through. I have many friends who went to MOS and I was talking to many of them this week. When I heard that MOS was closing I couldn't help but feel bad for the students and think back to when I found out, almost one year ago now, that my school was closing.
But I would also like to say congrats to Holy Cross! You have truly set the example that with some hard work, dedication and team work, anything can be accomplished. I am very happy that you guys get your second chance.
So what does this mean for us, the students of Nazareth? I think, that it should be showing us some hope. We know we have the team work and the power to at least try to save our school, and the way I see it, all we need now is for someone to take the first step.
~Miss Naz~

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This is a Catholic school!?

Hey! I hope all of you are enjoying your break! I am! Sadly it's the last day.
So you remember when I wrote earlier about the "Religion classes being put to good use." Well I have noticed other parts of the school where you can hardly believe you are in a Catholic school. In English class we are now watching V for Vendetta. While it maybe a slightly entertaining movie, I highly doubt that watching a movie that depicts a Catholic priest trying to have sex with a young girl is inappropriate in this setting. For a Catholic school that is trying to teach us God's values, I feel that they have failed.
P.S: The movie has nothing to do with any thing we are learning about at the present. It was so we could take a break from reading.
~Miss Naz~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone. I just wanted to wish you and your families a very happy Thanksgiving and I hope your day is wonderful!
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, November 20, 2010

This post is for Sister Snappy

Yes! Just two more school days and it's time for break! Yay!
So this week I was cleaning my room and I found one of the lit books from Naz. In it was a poem that Sister Snappy had written. I loved it so much when I read it that I had to share it:

Outside traffic flowed
cars raced
Business as usual
Where did they go?

Down the avenue
I have traveled
Gotten in the lane
Only a block or two to go

Then up a hill
There it was
An old worn building
Character filled

My dear Nazareth
Home sweet space
Not just some bricks
But a living place

Where spirit rang
Tradition was alive
Where honor sang
And students thrived

Twenty years have passed
Hundreds of mornings
Out to meet the day
Headed to dear Nazareth

Old walls and halls
That echo a history
Worn floor boards
And cracked marble

Girls who chattered
Computers that flickered
Teachers dedicated
To all that mattered

It all began in '71
Eighteen that is
White gowns and roses one last time
God bless my school forever mine.

All credit to Sister Snappy.
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, November 13, 2010

College and Naz girls

SORRY!!! Missed another weekend. Well actually I was going to wait until Mix it up day (last Tuesday) to post but since Mix it up day was kind of a bust, I was out of a topic.
Mix it up day was supposed to be a day where all of the students have to sit with some one new at lunch. Not many did. I was going to write about how it went, but it was just business as usual.
So today I want to talk about college. Things are starting to get crazy with college tours, applications, letters of recommendation.... Any advice for students would be amazing.
Also I would like to know, how is it going at other schools? It's going pretty well for me at AQ. But how are others?
Also, remember back to my post "Naz Girls" where I said "Being a Naz girl means having the confidence to walk up to any one wearing a Nazareth shirt, no matter where you are, and starting a conversation?" Well I was actually wearing my Nazareth sweat shirt the other day and immediately ran into a member of the class of '67. It was so awesome! I had a 10 minute conversation with this lady and I don't even know her name! I just love that Naz girls will see my shirt and be like "Oh I'm going to go talk to her!"
Well that's it for now. But please guys, give me some ideas here. Just any thing you have a question about or something you would like to hear more about. If I don't get more ideas soon, I don't know if I can keep this blog going much longer. Ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Religion classes being put to good use.....

If you had asked me last week if I had settled into Aquinas yet, I would have said no. I f you asked me today, I would have to say yes. I am now in 3x more clubs than I was in last year and I am no longer walking around completely lost. (Thank God)
I think this week there is only one thing bothering me. This weeks post is for the parents with kids who are in ethics class. Do you know what we are learning about right now in ethics class? You will be surprised. We are currently learning about the history of Aquinas. Yes that means that next week we will be having a test that includes questions like "What Aquinas football player was the old Aquinas football stadium named after?" Wait, we are getting graded on that? Yes. Yes we are.
If I was the one paying thousands of dollars to send my son/daughter to Catholic school just to find out that their Religion classes are being used for this, I would be a little upset. But apparently this is required by the school because they feel the seniors should know the history of their school. (Who founded it, when it became co-ed.... stuff like that)
So again, what do you think?
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Well things are getting pretty busy. All of the seniors are being reminded this week to get college applications done soon. "College? I can't go to college! I'm too young! Oh... wait...." Yeah I remember thinking "I have plenty of time for college searches. It's still 3 years before I have to worry about that."
Also, I think I'm starting to get senioritis. I never though I would considering the drastic change between years but here I am. I think it actually has to do with the fact that we go to the same classes every single day. I am so used to switching between classes, like we would have math every-other-day, now we have it everyday. I don't know about everyone else but I feel like doing the same thing over and over is pretty draining. Wait what? What do you mean that's what work is like? You mean I'm going to be doing the same thing everyday for the rest of my life!?
Well as you may be able to tell I am writing this while extremely tired (crazy weekends) so I am going to leave you before I start doing lame jokes, of course it might be too late for that...
Also, I need some ideas. If anyone has any questions on hows it's going please ask.
~Miss Naz~

Friday, October 8, 2010

All Different

Hey it's Miss Naz posting on a Friday because I have to take the SAT again tomorrow! Yikes! Wish me luck!
So you know how when you think of one school, you think that all the students are pretty much the same? Well now that I have been at AQ for awhile I have noticed the many different sides of the school.
So the other day I was walking around on the second floor, you know the floor of the NY stock exchange, and brushed shoulders with and AQ girl. With in seconds I found myself being screamed at by that student who was VERY annoyed that someone actually dared to bump into her. It's like "um chill. We are in a crowded hall way."
Well the next day I was walking quickly to my next class (I was sooo late) and came around a corner and just completely collided with another AQ student. All that was going through my head was "not again" and I immediately started apologizing to the student just to realize that they were apologizing too. Guess that just proves you can't profile someone just by the school they go to and your past experiences with that school. I was ready for her to start screaming at me just like the other girl did!
Also, I would like to say that this past week I ran into a Naz grad from the 97th graduating class while waiting in line. I picked a great day to wear my Naz sweat shirt. I just love talking to Naz grads I have never met and just picking up a long conversation with them. It's so much fun!
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Can't we just get along?

Things are still going pretty well. I've noticed a few things about AQ though. I would call it a "movie high school." Everyday I'm there, I feel like I'm on the set of some high school drama movie. You've got homecoming dances, floats, football team heros, mean girls, and of course the students who almost seem to "rule the school." It's pretty crazy.
But I will admit, I'm having some fun.
Whats bothering me this week though is this. "Why do the Naz girls get to have a breakfast? The original AQ kids should get something!" I'm sure many of the students reading this have heard that around the school many times. And you know I'm kind of split on that.
I have to say that the Naz girls do deserve something. I mean we lost our school, teachers, friends, and senior year, and they are complaining that we shouldn't get a free bagel? That it's unfair? Honestly, that is just pure jealousy.
Now I'm not going to sit here and just criticize the AQ students because honestly I think there may be something to what they are saying. We have to remember that we aren't the only ones who lost something. The AQ students have to put up with all the new transfer students in their school during their senior year too. I agree, they do deserve something. We all do, but that doesn't mean we should be giving each other dirty looks and insulting each other this whole year. If we do, it's going to be a really miserable year for both AQ and Naz students.
~Miss Naz~

Saturday, September 25, 2010

First the sign, now this?

Second full week of school! And you know I have to say it’s not too horrible, you know now that I’m not completely lost.

But I don’t want to talk about AQ today. I want to talk about Nazareth. Well actually I want to talk about the front of Nazareth, aka, what’s up with the fence?

I actually saw the fence for the first time this week but I had heard about it before. People told me that it doesn’t go all the way back to the building. So when I saw it for the first time, I expected to see this ugly fence that went back to the front walk right outside the door. Instead I see a pointless wall of iron that only goes back a few feet. I’m pretty sure that any 5-year-old could figure out how to walk around if they really want to get to the other side. Also I have seen someone get a gutter ball while bowling…. while the bumpers were up. If someone can do that, I’m sure someone else could get a ball around a fence.

A lot of people have been saying “oh the fence is for safety. They don’t want kids to run into the road.” I get that. And yes it is important that they are safe. But it kind of hurts to see your school fenced up, even if the fence doesn’t go all the way around.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Want to know what bugs me?

Made it through week two. Of course I almost got detention again….

Teachers are OK but they really make you miss the Naz teachers like A LOT.

OK, now that I reviewed a few thoughts, here is what I really want to say this week. This is for any AQ people (and maybe BK people.) The one thing that is bugging me the most this year is when I ask for help. Here are a few conversations:

ME: Hi. If I wanted to ask someone about (lets say senior retreat,) who would I go to?

AQ: Go see Mrs.________. (To next person) Can I help you?

So now I have to go find someone else:

ME: Hey. Do you know where to find Mrs._________?

AQ: Yes. She is in her office. (Walks away)

Yet another person:

ME: Do you know where Mrs. __________’s office is?

AQ: Down the hall to the left.

Finally we are getting somewhere:

ME: (walks to office)

POST-IT NOTE: I am currently out of my office. Please come back later.

AAAAAAAAAA!!!! It bugs me to no end when I ask someone where something is and they give me an answer that only means something to someone who goes to school there! I mean no one is being rude at all! They are trying to be helpful but just saying the name of a place doesn't help us much. So here is what I want to say: Please AQ, BK, etc. please if we ask you where something or someone is, please give us directions, not just the name of a place. Names of places mean nothing to us! It’s like if you walked up to someone and asked “Do you know where the governor is?” and they said “Yes. He is at home.” Well that still doesn’t tell you how to find him! Great, he is at home, where’s that? There have been days where I have walked in circles for 10 minutes trying to find someone before I gave up. Also I know that I’m not the only one who this has happened to.

OK, that’s all I have to say on that. But I do have to say: missing Naz more and more everyday.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Review of First Few Days

YES! Made it through the first 3 days of school at AQ. I’ll admit, It’s tough! Not the classes, the classes are fine, I mean the rules! I’m being honest, I have managed to make it through high school without getting detention. I come to Aquinas and I’ve already had a few warnings just in the first two days! Yikes! Also, sometimes getting to class can be impossible. Try making it through a crowd of football players! It’s like you get to class, throw your books on the ground and scream TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!

But I will admit, so far it is not that bad. I mean it’s not Nazareth, but it’s not high school from hell either. I had so many students who helped me find classes during the day and teachers are very understanding and know that we have no idea where we are going. I think this year will be fine for everyone once we get used to it a little more.

So how is your high school experience so far? It doesn’t matter if you went to AQ, BK, or Mercy. Tell us what it’s like. Also if you are an alumni from any of these schools, maybe if you have any tips or advice you could share those too.

Speaking of advice, here’s mine. If you’re at AQ, avoid the second floor at all costs, unless of course your class is on that floor. It is literally better to take the long way by walking that stretch on the first floor and then going up to the second floor. Trust me.

Happy to be back!

~Miss Naz~

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Back!

Well it has been an amazing summer! I had an awesome time and I hope all of you did too! Tomorrow is the very last day of summer before we all have to start at our new schools and I am totally getting nervous. But hey, senior year, got to make it rock!
So what are your thoughts about this year? Looking forward to it? Or would you rather just have another summer?
Hope to see you even more during the year! Now I have to go! Still finishing all of this summer work. More stories to come once school starts.
~Miss Naz~

Monday, August 16, 2010

Almost Time for School

Wow this summer has gone by fast! But it's not over yet. So why am I here? I'm here to let you know that I will begin posting again on the first weekend of September!

Can't wait to see you guys then! For now, I'm going to enjoy my last few weeks of summer (and try to figure out the AQ dress code!)

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Last post but come back next year!

Well I guess this post will have to wrap up this blog for the year. Its been a lot of fun, but still sad at times. I’ll tell you it is crazy coming up with a topic each week without letting any one know who you are. I can’t exactly run around the school doing interviews or asking questions and then have that info magically show up on my blog if you know what I mean. And promoting my blog? Forget about it! You sort of loose that anonymous vibe when you tell someone to read your anonymous blog!

But thanks to all of you who have been reading my blog right along! I remember that time when I looked at how many votes I had on a poll and I was like “TEN!? SERIOUSLY!? I have readers!!!!!” Thanks to my followers also! I also want to thank the people who have been promoting my blog on either facebook or their own blog. And thanks to AQ Girl! She came in a little late in the year with her own blog but its still been awesome!

And lastly I would like to thank the Nazareth girls for not only reading my blog but for making the last six years of my life amazing! I had an awesome time and have plenty of memories I love to share.

Goodbye to everyone until next year! Remember, my email will still be up in case you would like to reach me over the summer. I’ll be posting sometime before school starts next year.

And yes I would like to say (although you might have already figured this out) I am from the class of 2011 and will be spending my Senior year at AQ. (I was SO close!!! Just had one more year!)

~Miss Naz~

Friday, June 25, 2010

Design Contest

Hey! Little mini post here! I know I usually post just once a week but I felt that this needed it’s own special post. So I have been playing around with designs for my blog, and I know you must be thinking “But it looks the same!” Well that’s because I couldn’t really find a design I liked, one that really screamed Nazareth! And after three days of throwing away designs (some where so bad they went to the shredder!) I decided I could use some help. And who better to ask for help from than the people who read my blog!

So! Here is what I need. If you have a google account (yes all you need is gmail!), create a lay out that includes the colors blue and gold (do I even have to explain why?), press “print screen” and send me a copy of your idea! Then I will look through the designs and decide my favorite. How will you know if yours won? Well the one I pick will be the new lay out for SOS!

If you don’t have a google account, no problem. Just head over to the comments and give some suggestions you may have. And no, I can’t place a picture of Nazareth in the background. Yes I have tried…. many times….

So this post is done! Don’t forget that my email in on my click here Blogger Profile click here!! I hope to see new ideas coming in! Of course if you like the current design that’s cool too.

OK well I’m done with that announcement. Go ahead to this weeks post that is actually about Nazareth! Trust me! It’s a really good one!

~Miss Naz~

Ideas on Change

So while I was sitting around brainstorming ideas for my next blog post this week, I was talking with AQ Girl on Facebook. She told me that she had just taken a personality quiz that she thought was very accurate. (Yes, hang on. This does have something to do with Nazareth.) She sent me the link and I took the quiz. The results told me that I “embrace change when it is necessary while still resisting it when you think it is not.” Of course I naturally started to think about Nazareth.

First of all I have to ask the question, “Is this change necessary?” Does a school, that has so many supportive alumni and students have to close? Of course not! Yes I will agree that maybe our school was tight for money, but do we give up the second that little red line on the profits chart starts to go down? Of course not! If we had done that years ago, we might still have been stuck in the Great Depression! (OK maybe not…. But you get my idea!)

But in some ways yes, change is necessary. Our school closed, and apparently we didn’t get any say in it. Now it’s happening, has happened actually. At this point, it doesn’t look like we can reopen the school for next year (although you never know about future years.) In this way, yes, change is necessary. There is no way any of us can go back to Nazareth Academy next year with the same building, same students, same teachers. Change is necessary.

So yes I will embrace the change when I switch to AQ, maybe make some new friends. However I do resist the idea that Nazareth Academy is gone because it is not gone! I also hope that one day Nazareth Academy will reopen where it belongs, at 1001 Lake Avenue.

So this week I leave you with the words of advice that my Freshman self wrote to my Senior self in the letters we all wrote on the first day of high school: Remember this your last year. Do your best to get through.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there! Also, can you guys believe this is my 20th post already?!

OK so it has officially been one week since the school closed (it’s OK, Nazareth Academy will always be open in my heart.) Even though school is over, many of us are stuck in the annoying process of final exams, or in this case, Regent Exams. Not fun.

But just a few more exams and then we will have to walk out of Nazareth Academy sadly. As much as I want to get these exams over with, I still really want to stay at Naz. I would like to wish our Seniors good luck too! The very last class to ever graduate from Nazareth, the 139th graduating class, the class of 2010! I would list your names but I don’t think I’m allowed to do that on a public blog…. But don’t worry, we know who you are.

Now, after that announcement, I have another. My blog, SOS, may also be closing soon, unless I can get some more ideas. But don’t worry! I’ll only be closing for the summer! I will definitely have more to talk about next year! You know I wouldn’t completely abandon you guys, right? Right. I’ll be here for just a few more weeks and then I will see you again in September!

Just one more half a day of Nazareth ever sadly. Well for me. Good luck to everyone while taking their last few exams!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's not over yet

Well there it is. The last day we will ever spend in Nazareth. Man have I had some great times!

I might have to make this post brief seeing that I am writing this only seconds after I got home from school on Friday and I am not sure how long I will actually be able to see my computer. But one thing I do want to say is I will miss everyone soooo much! Nazareth has shown me some of the best years of my life and I can’t even imagine going to a new school next year!

And, sure, Nazareth Academy the location is over. But Nazareth Academy is NOT over. And no I don’t mean its not over because it is going over to Aquinas, I mean that I don’t think the world has even seen the beginning of what Nazareth Academy can do. Nazareth Academy will always be open no matter what! They can close our school but they can’t get rid of what Nazareth has taught all of us, what makes us different from all the other schools around. At Nazareth we have heart!

I have been talking with a friend of mine who has never attended a Catholic school before, let alone Nazareth and she told me this: “you think you’re crying? I’m graduating!…. ya i could image you are such a close knit group because there are so few of you!” And here is what I had to say to her: “Naz girls love our school. We consider it our home and our sisters. It’s not just the students that are family! The alumni are too! All of us are very close and I know it sounds crazy but there really is a connection between all of the Naz girls, no matter what graduating year!”

Well, I think I am going to have to leave now for the reason stated before. And yes I will continue to post so please come back next week.

Goodbye for now!

No longer a student, but forever an alumni, ~Miss Naz~

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Uniforms?

So if you have been reading my blog, you will remember my post, Naz Girls, where I said, “Being a Naz girl means having the confidence to walk up to anyone wearing a Nazareth shirt, no matter where you are, and starting a conversation.” Well, the other day I had yet another experience of this.

After school, I made a quick stop at a store pretty far from Nazareth. While I was waiting in the check-out line, the cashier saw my uniform and asked, “What year?” After I told her what class I'm in, she started asking me if I knew a family member of hers that went there. That’s what I always look forward to! But you know, there is a little problem. How are these people going to recognize us next year? Well...I mean by other than our amazing personalities and dashing great looks, of course!

Next year, we will be wearing our new schools uniforms (unless, of course, your new school is letting Nazareth students wear the Naz uniforms.) Honestly, I don’t know if I like that or not yet. I think it will be hard next year to wear a shirt that says “Aquinas” or “Bishop Kearney” on the front without dying a little inside every time we see ourselves wearing one. I mean, don’t get me wrong. To all of you AQ and BK people out there: It's not that I hate the's just that after so many years of being filled with Nazareth pride, I think we can all agree it would hurt terribly to become anything else.

Of course, there are many more questions traveling around Nazareth right now. Do the juniors really have to buy all new uniforms for just one year? Are their uniforms even as comfy as the Nazareth uniforms? Can't I wear sneakers any more? Does AQ even have a uniform, or do they just raid JCPenney?

Well last week I asked the question: "Do you think we should have a say from Aquinas students more often?" And since two of you said yes and you were the only voters (Come on people! Show a little support here! Tell your friends!), AQ Girl and I came to an agreement. Now, we figured since the schools are “merging,” (HA! Yeah right...merging. I laugh every time I hear that!) we would NOT want a merge on the blogs. So we decided to have two separate blogs: one for AQ and one for Naz. From now on, every story I write will be complimented by a similar one on the AQ blog (Always Strive for that Which We Were Made). So, to hear AQ Girl's ideas on Nazareth getting new uniforms, head on over to her blog now!

See you next week on SOS and please read, comment, vote on polls, make a sound, wave a flag, light a flare, do any thing! Let me know you are reading and send me some ideas! Actually… don’t light a flare. I love you guys, but I really don’t want to see you on the news tonight…

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Interview with AQ Girl

So we have heard the Nazareth side of all of this, we know the Nazareth worries and concerns, and I think its time for some answers. We have heard them answered before, sure, but how can we know they are honest if the students answering them are surrounded by AQ teachers? Well, now we have a way for them to be honest, by holding an anonymous interview with one of the AQ students. If you read the comments, you have heard from her before, so here is AQ Girl to answer some of the concerns I have heard:

1) Do you think it’s going to be hard for the schools to adjust (not just AQ but BK, Mercy, all of the schools)?

- Oh, the difficulty in changing schools (especially in your senior year) is inevitable. I always say that there are people who try to make it easier for all of you, but I never refer to it as an easy process. I would hate to leave AQ before graduating. In terms of the schools accepting the Naz girls, I think it really depends on the person. For me, it'll be really easy to adjust because I'm so close with a few of the Naz girls and I appreciate Nazareth so much that I'm willing to make room for the new girls. However, there are people who aren't familiar with Naz girls, so they resent it a little. I think they'll realize that the girls really mean no harm and they'll get used to them. Hopefully, more friendships will be made!

Do you think that with all of the new students coming over, that it will be really crowded in the school?

- For those who aren't familiar with many Naz girls, it might be more difficult for them, and they might feel as if more people are just taking up more space. However, AQ had 1200 students in the late 90s. This is when we lacked the Art Center, Student Union, and New Gym. Judging by those facts, I think it won't be that difficult to move around! I know the Naz girls are used to having room to do cartwheels on their way to class. It honestly won't be like that. I came from a middle school of a student count comparable to Naz's, so I think it just takes a certain finesse that you build over your first few weeks with us.

Also again tell me honestly, do you think that the Aquinas students are happy to have the Nazareth students?

- Nobody really seems angry about the Naz girls. The only people who seem to have negative feelings are people who dread certain Naz girls they've had a falling-out with in the past (and you know there are certain girls like that, at both AQ and Naz). At first, it was really shocking to some people. However, we've gotten used to getting more students in our family. Naz Girls will be a great addition.

Do you think the Nazareth students will be treated the same as the Aquinas students, both in sports and in the classroom?

- I am sure you girls are gonna be able to play on the normal AQ teams. I think it's the teachers' jobs to treat us all equally, and if they don't, they shouldn't be teachers at all.

How did you find out about Nazareth closing and how did you feel?

- I was at the "surprise assembly" with most of the other AQ students. I wasn't expecting it at all and yes, I was shocked. But on the other hand, I was really happy because I knew I'd have a few of my closest friends who I was missing back in my everyday life.

What do you think is the biggest difference between Aquinas and Nazareth? Do you think Aquinas girls and Nazareth girls are different?

- I think the biggest difference between AQ and Naz is definitely the number of students. That's pretty obvious, though. Otherwise, the dress code is very different. I've gotten used to dressing as if I'm going on a job interview every day, but I think it WOULD be awesome to wear sneakers in the halls. Who knows...with the Naz Girls, we might be able to make it happen someday at AQ. *winkwinknudgenudge!*

So there it is! An interview with an Aquinas girl with no one around to possibly change the answers.

These were just some of the questions or statements I have heard during these past few months, and I am sure there are many more. If you have a question for AQ Girl, leave it in the comments or email it to me (again my email is found on my Blogger Profile) and I will give it to AQ Girl so she can answer it in my next post!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Last Prom/Ball

And so comes and goes Nazareth Academy’s very last prom. For the Juniors, Nazareth prom was truly a once in a life time experience seeing that they will not be able to go to the Senior Ball at Naz next year.

But enough with the negative. Prom should be a happy occasion! And it was! The decorations were beautiful and the buffet was delicious! (If you haven’t guessed by now, yes I am either a junior or senior, I’ll admit it) Also everyone looked gorgeous! We all obviously put a lot into prom. The music was wonderful and I don’t think there was anyone who didn’t have a good time!

I would also like to share a few thoughts. Thank you to the Italian American Community Center for letting us hold our very special and memorable prom/ball there. The room was beautiful, and perfect for our dance. Thank you to the caterers for making us a delicious buffet! Thank you to the DJ’s who picked out amazing music for us. Thank you to the students who helped to decorate for prom. You really did an amazing job! Thank you to the photographer. Our pictures turned out beautiful. Also, thank you to the teachers who drove the bus or chaperoned the prom. And of course we can’t forget the people who helped us look amazing. So thanks to the dress shops, nail, hair, and makeup people, and flower shop! Thank you to all of you who helped to make this prom great! We really could not have done it with out you.

And so ends the Nazareth prom/ball. I am very happy to have gone to the very last one.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, May 15, 2010

School, Students, or Spirit?

You all know that SOS means Save Our School (well at least on this blog it does,) but when I was thinking of a name for this blog, I came up with a few other ideas.

Save Our School: This was my favorite idea because at the time of this blog the main concern was saving the school. Sadly I think its way past the time to say that this idea is not very likely.

Save Our Students: As students, teachers, alumni, friends and family, none of us want to see the students split up and sent to different schools, which is happening. This blog is a good way for students (from Nazareth, Aquinas AND Bishop Kearney) and alumni to share their ideas on what is happening anonymously.

Save Our Spirit: Thankfully many are helping to save our spirit! Events like the Remember the Lasers 5K Run/Walk on June 26 are working to keep the memory and spirit of Nazareth alive!

So what name would you pick? Save Our School, Save Our Students, or Save Our Spirit? Maybe all three? Maybe none? Tell me in the comments if you have another idea for a name or vote for one of the ones mentioned on the poll to the right!

So that’s it for today’s post! But I just want to say Congratulations Mrs. Minchella for receiving a job at Aquinas!

Don't forget to check out my Blogger Profile! Now, if you would like to, you can find my email there if you would like to share any thoughts or ideas! Hope to hear from you!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Well thats a slap in the face...

You know sometimes I feel like these blog posts just write themselves (no I’m not talking about last weeks because last week I was sort of running low on ideas.) But every once in a while an event pops up that needs to be talked about. This event started Wednesday when my whole class, and many others in the school heard a banging noise. What was this noise? It was the sound of workers posting the greatest insult I have ever seen go in front of our school, the insult which I would like to call: Da Sign. (it gives me no respect, why should I respect it by giving it a “the”?)

Some of you may have seen it but just in case you haven’t, the sign says in big letters “Aquinas Institute and Nazareth Elementary.” Well gosh, why not put a giant “SOLD” sign in the front lawn while you’re at it and break my heart even more why don’t ya? Lets also put a footnote that says “Oh yeah and that other school this place used to be.”

And right before the alumni picnic? Really? This was, and is, an important weekend that has been planned for months and should not be ruined by that board and posts in the ground!

They say words matter and that a picture is worth a thousand words. Can you imagine what a picture of that sign in front of our school would say?

As a Nazareth student I feel over looked and forgotten about, pushed out and labeled while I am still here. But personally I don’t care what that sign says because to me, that sign could say what ever it wants but that place will always be Nazareth Academy. Also, after the disrespect that we have received these past few months from the lies, we deserve to have or voices heard when we say that the sign needs to go. The sign needs to go in storage until school is over because we are still here and we are still Nazareth!

If any thing should be going up at this point it should be a stone. A stone that has the engraving: “Nazareth Academy: Once a Naz girl, always a Naz girl.”

Happy Mothers Day to all of you! Don’t forget to wish your mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, everyone Happy Mothers day and enjoy the Mother Daughter Brunch and Alumni Picnic if you are going!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Naz Spirit

First of all I would like to say good luck to the students taking the SAT’s in a few hours! OK, that’s it. You can move on to the blog post now.

Wow! Nine votes on the poll last week! Now that is some Nazareth spirit! And I’ll be honest, I was in complete shock when I saw the number of votes! I didn’t even know I had that many readers! So last weeks question was: Which is your favorite post so far? And the winner is Naz Girls, with Wonderful Memories and The Tradition that is Nazareth tied for second. Okay I’ll admit it, Naz Girls is my favorite too.

Speaking of Naz spirit, we are going to need some for the rest of this year (never thought I would have senioritis before I was a senior!)

As Nazareth students we are filled with school spirit. Don’t try to deny it, I saw you in Albany at the basketball game. Its time to use that Naz spirit again for the Remember the Lasers 5K Run/Walk!

Even the school is helping keep the Naz Spirit! Every Friday is now a dress down day so make sure to wear blue and gold everyone!

Also let me say good luck to our three English teachers, Ms. Skelly, Ms. Habecker, and Mrs. Minchella! They all had an interview this week at Aquinas for ONE open position…… Also good luck to Aquinas choosing just one of these three amazing teachers!

So lets use some of that Naz spirit when we walk into school next year and remember: Who are we?! N-A-Z! And next year I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!

~Miss Naz~

Friday, April 23, 2010

The tradition that is Nazareth!

Well some of you may have noticed that I put up a question on the blog. (look to the right!) Thank you to the two who voted last week and I’m so glad you love the blog! Don’t forget to vote again this week!

So how is everyone enjoying their spring break? I am loving mine! And you know over break I was talking to some people about Nazareth. (note these people do NOT go to Nazareth, as I’m sure you could figure out during the conversation) I mentioned how I will miss all of the people and I will also miss the building. They told me “What because you’re not going to be in a building next year? It’s just a building, what makes that one so special?”

History. And no, I don’t mean the history classes. I mean the history of the building, which is very evident. While a friend of mine from AQ was looking through some Nazareth pictures from the sixties, she said “Wow! These are the same seats that are still in the auditorium!”

Nothing has changed in Nazareth! And while some may see that as boring, I see it as preservation! I mean would we walk into a national park, see one of the long houses and say “Yeah it’s good,…. But lets add a room!” No! Some things are just meant to stay the way they are. I believe the Nazareth building is one of those things. Tradition is something you do not break, especially family traditions, and walking in the history of Nazareth Academy is the Nazareth family tradition.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Naz Girls

You know the saying “Once a Naz girl always a Naz girl.” Lately I have been thinking though, what does it mean to be a Naz girl? Oh let me count the ways!

Being a Naz girl isn’t about just having a diploma from Nazareth and going to an all girls private school. Being a Naz girl means having that connection with all other Naz girls, no matter what graduating year. Being a Naz girl means having the confidence to walk up to any one wearing a Nazareth shirt, no matter where you are, and starting a conversation.

Being a Naz girl means going to a school with the diversity of a public school, mentality and education of a private school. Being a Naz girl means looking out for our sisters.

Being a Naz girl means having fun during school, being able to finger paint, play with play dough, and run to search for Easter eggs with out people looking at you weird (mostly either because they are doing the same thing or are extremely jealous.) Being a Naz girl means wanting to jump into a giant plastic ball pit any day.

Being a Naz girl means wandering around after you finished your lunch and none of the teachers have to worry about you getting in trouble. Being a Naz girl means daydreaming about Nazareth cookies before lunch and wishing you had another one after lunch. Being a Naz girl means eating pizza every Tuesday and pasta every Thursday.

Being a Naz girl means waking up and not fussing in front of the mirror for an hour (we don’t have to impress any boys!)

Being a Naz girl means doing stuff like turning pennies gold, having tug-of-wars on the front lawn, and decorating the school for special occasions.

Being a Naz girl means not liking EVERYONE in your class, but working hard to get along.

Being a Naz girl means coming together on that sad day our school closed and helping everyone get through it.

This is what being a Naz girl means. It means working hard, but still having fun. It means helping each other, getting along, and working together. That’s what I will miss when I walk into school next year.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Luck to Our Teachers!

Yesterday was a very sad day for many Nazareth students. I would like to say congratulations to Mrs. Ziewers who found a new job in Buffalo… starting Monday. We will all miss you Mrs. Z and we are so sad that you could not finish the school year with us. But we do wish you good luck!

Also good luck to all of the other teachers who have found new jobs! Mr. Hendrick, Nazareth Academy’s AWESOME Physics teacher has found a job at Mercy! Also, the coaches, Coach Belmont and Vice Principal Mr. McKee, and also Mr. Miller, our chorus director, have all found jobs at Bishop Kearney.

I was actually pretty sad when I first found out and it was a little hard to be happy at the time. Since I am going to Aquinas, it’s sad when I hear that a teacher is going to a different school.

Which also brings up this question: Are any teachers going to Aquinas? I mean I am happy for teachers that have found jobs at other schools, but since this is a “merge” with Aquinas, why hasn’t any teachers been offered jobs there yet?

So here are the stats so far: Bishop Kearney: 3, Mercy: 1, Aquinas: 0.

I personally am a little nervous that so far this “merge” has brought no teachers. If you are student going to Aquinas next year, tell me what you think about this. Also if you have heard that any teachers are going to Aquinas next year, mention that too.

Congrats to all of the teachers who have found jobs again! We hope you like the new school as much as Nazareth! And Mrs. Z, good luck Monday, we are all praying for you!

~Miss Naz~

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enough With the Rumors!

I have heard many rumors about what happened that day when we found out that the school was closing. And you know what? I’m sick of it! Sure some are true! But most of them are so far off it just makes you wonder how they could have possibly been started! So here is my account of what happened:

I came into school that morning after hearing some small whispers and rumors spreading around Facebook the night before. How the news got out, no one is totally sure. I have heard that it was spread by the Aquinas students and I have also heard it was spread by the Nazareth students. But no matter how it was spread, students were not supposed to know until they announced it in the auditorium.

So anyways, back to the rumors and Facebook. Mostly I ignored the rumors, thinking it was false. When I walked into school, we were in the middle of morning prayer and the reader was crying. I knew right then that the news was true. Nazareth Academy would not be open for another year.

We gathered together in the auditorium that day and cried. The teachers told us to go and talk to our friends. After a few minutes of talking we all got up on stage, our whole small, yet mighty, family and sang the school song. After that, we gathered in a large circle, held hands, and prayed. As I looked around the circle of sisters, I noticed not I single one of us was standing there without tears and neither was I. This is the moment I realized that this would be our last year together as a family.

After sometime, the teachers told us it was time to go back to class. So we got up, and walked to class, ending the beginning of the saddest day of our lives.

But don’t forget our parents mind you! Some of our parents found out from Facebook, some found out in the worst way possible, aka the media. My parents found out while online while others found out when cameras were shoved into their cars and people screaming asking what they thought, mean while they don’t even know what is going on!

So that is what happened! That is the whole truth! So you can throw away the rumors about “Nazareth students refusing to go to class” or “Teachers tell students and parents in the auditorium so they don’t have to find out from media” because its not true! And yes I know the latter is sort of against my school but its the truth and this post is about the truth! (There’s something you wouldn’t expect to find on a blog!)

Tell me any rumors you may have heard. I’ll try my best to say if they are true or not. You readers are here because you want to know about Nazareth so you should hear what is true.

That’s it for this week. Happy Easter to you and your whole family and I hope to have you back next week on SOS!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wonderful Memories

Two weeks ago, I was given the idea, from one of my readers, to find ways to make this year great and think about some great memories.

I had to think for a long time about this! I have so many amazing memories at Nazareth but I wanted to pick one that was really special to me. So here is my favorite memory of Nazareth:

It’s the first day at a brand new school. I was coming from a pretty rough school (which I will not name since they have nothing to do with Nazareth.) When I left that school I was beginning to think, “Was it just the school? Or will I never make any friends?” I tried to shove away the fear of being rejected at yet another school and walked into Nazareth. I was identified as the new kid immediately. One of the students looked at me and I was terrified as they walked over.

Later at lunch time I thought my new Nazareth friends were going to drag me by the heels and chain me to the table if I did not come and eat lunch with them.

I think my favorite part of the whole day was when I was at home and I was thinking back to how terrified I was at the beginning of the day, but by the end of the day I had found the number one school for me. I also think that if I knew what I know now, that the school was going to close, I would have still gone to Nazareth. I would have started looking for another school sooner than I did, but I still would have gone.

I also agree that we need to make this year great, and after wandering around the school this past week and talking to a few of my friends, I found out some interesting things on our schools publications.

Number one, I found that we are having a double issue of the Gabriel. Also, the Spectrum will be much larger this year and as most of us know, they are really trying to get everyone in it this year. No news yet on the year book though.

If you went to Nazareth, please share your favorite memory of the school in the comments!

Thank you for reading SOS! Also a special thank you to the reader who suggested the topic for this week!

See you next week on SOS!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Which school should I go to?

To be honest, I did not shadow Mercy. Not because I did not want to go there, but because I live pretty far away from Mercy.

Now that I have said that, let me say that when I talk about Aquinas and Bishop Kearney, these are my personal OPINIONS of what I saw at the schools. Please don’t hate me if you disagree.

First I will talk about BK since I shadowed there first. Just like Nazareth, BK has the 80-minute periods that we are all used to. Also when I went there I saw many people I knew! The people I knew were pretty welcoming and we were able to talk again.

Later I shadowed AQ. Aquinas was pretty fun. Everyone I met was very welcoming, although the shorter classes were hard to get used to. After my fifth class that morning, I felt like I had gone through two school days, even thought it was still before lunch time.

And now I have to decide. Well not now, I obviously already made my choice, but anyways. So did anyone notice when I was writing about BK, I said that the people I KNEW were pretty welcoming? (It’s ok, I’ll wait while you look.) I did not mention the people I did not know. At BK, there were only a few I talked to who I could really see myself going to school with. Did anyone else notice this or was it just me?

But, like I said before, I was honestly welcomed at Aquinas.

So then it comes down to this question: Would I rather go to a school that is honestly welcoming me and I feel comfortable at, or the one that I feel a little nervous at?

DUH! Of course I’m choosing Aquinas! On top of not only having nice students, their classes are very similar to Nazareth classes. Aquinas classes are right on track with Nazareth classes and some of them were even challenging. (I don’t speak French!)

Maybe BK is the school for you, maybe not. Tell me what you think in the comments. For me, Nazareth will always be the school for me, but Aquinas is a close second.

~Miss Naz~

Monday, March 15, 2010


Maybe you have noticed that I haven’t been posting on the weekends. I’ll be honest, I need some more ideas! Please, please, please send me some ideas. Want me to get on my knees and beg? No, of course not. So to avoid that total humiliation, send me some ideas…

Also, come back next week! I’ll be telling my PERSONAL opinions of what I thought of different schools and be unveiling the school I have chosen. (Still thinking it over a little…)

Sadly, that’s all for this week. (awwwwwwwwww) Yes, yes I know all of my wonderful readers are disappointed by this (cricket, cricket) But don’t forget to keep reading SOS!

~Miss Naz~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Getting Stressful Yet?

Gosh! What a busy time this is! Shadowing schools all over the city, knowing there is a pile of make-up work waiting for you when you get back. Then once you finally get caught up, it’s time to shadow another school! Throw in the fact that some of us are also registering for SAT’s or worrying about other end-of-year tests like AP’s and now Regents (do those even belong in the same sentence?) a lot of us are hit with one big heaping load of stress!
Not that we didn’t have stress to start with! It seems like all of high school we have been looking or started looking at colleges. Now, just as we are starting to get a good idea about where we want to go, we have to stop and look for a high school. None of us, especially the juniors, should be looking for high schools!
I have to honestly say that this year is harder than all of my high school years and this is definitely NOT what I thought my last year at Nazareth was going to be like.
So here is your question. What is the most stressful thing you have to deal with this year? And please don’t just say “School closing” because we all know that is stressful.
Pass this on to your friends and please keep reading SOS!
~Miss Naz~

Friday, February 26, 2010

Where will the teachers go?

Well I am sure that anyone who has ever gone to Nazareth does not need ME to tell you that that pretty much every teacher at Nazareth is one of the best teachers you will ever find. I mean some of them have been there for years! And no I don’t mean five years I mean +30 years! I don’t think I can say one bad thing about them, but I can list the ways that they fit in as the best teachers:

1) They are always willing to help out

2) They are very understanding and will always listen to why you may not have been able to get your work done

3) They are open minded (this goes with #2)

4) They keep class fun while still teaching what they had planned

5) You can ask them anything

6) They know people make mistakes

7) They will always help you catch up on work if you were out sick

8) Act like a friend, not just a teacher

9) Strict, but fair

10) Some of the most dedicated and experienced teachers you will ever find

With that being said, any high school or college would be very lucky to add any of the Nazareth teachers to their staff, I believe.

I wish all of the students, and teachers, the best of luck when deciding about next year!

~Miss Naz~

Friday, February 19, 2010


Today, while reading through the comments again (I have comments!!!!) I noticed they were about change and tradition. This got me thinking, “How much is going to change next year?”

Sure so much is going to be different next year. Everything from taking regents to sitting in classes with boys (YIKES!) We also have to learn where everything is in this new school. For the juniors, they have to go to a new school for just one year.

I know we are losing many things and trust me, I’m not happy about it either. But when you think about it, we really aren’t starting over COMPLETELY. Most of us will be going to a new school with a good number of other Naz students. I like to believe that we are all going through the exact same thing and we WILL get through it.

I truly wish and pray that our school would stay open but at this point its not and we all, sadly, do have to pick a new school for the rest of our high school years.

Might as well make the best of it.

~Miss Naz~

Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello all of the wonderful people reading my blog! …… After the wonderful feedback from my last post with an outstanding (drum role please……) 0 comments, I began to wonder, is anyone reading?! Oh well. If you are reading please tell your friends to read too.

So with so many of us shadowing this past week and different schools, I was wondering what everyone thought. So in the comments, tell me what you honestly thought of whatever school you shadowed at.

I shadowed at AQ this past week. First of all let me say that while not everyone was welcoming, there was a pretty big number who were. I found myself sitting there having conversations with people I have never met before with them telling me about the school. Its not Nazareth, honestly, but I also have to honestly say AQ is not as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely worth taking a tour or being a shadow if you still haven’t decided on a new school.

So there is my personal input. Now it’s time for yours. (let’s try to break last weeks record for the comments.)

Goodbye again until next week!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Welcome students, alumni, friends, family, and random bored people who really have nothing to do with Naz (don’t worry, you’re welcome anyways,) to the very first post of SOS (Save Our School.)

If you’re reading this, most likely you or your friend, or your friend’s friend, or SOMEONE has stumbled upon my new blog! Who am I you ask? Well guess what. I’m not going to tell you. That’s right. I will remain 100% anonymous (hopefully) as I continue to post here. I do go to our beloved Nazareth Academy and so have others in my family. I am here to give the inside look at Naz.

Now some of you may be wondering, “Why am I here?” Well if you don’t know (where have you been?!) our school is closing. No, I’m not expecting to write this blog and everything will be fine, but I do feel that I can’t just sit back and watch 138 years of tradition end without saying a word.

This blog is for those of us who feel the same. Those of us who feel there is more to be said about how WE feel.

This is the place for those of us who won’t give up, those of us with a little more fight left in them.

And someday, I hate to say, this will be the place of anonymous encouragement. A place where we cannot judge a single person by their class year, current school, or who their friends are, but by the knowledge that every last one of us is a Naz girl and will always be a Naz girl.

I want to try and post about once a week maybe. Anyone can comment if they want to, you don't need an account. Just select "anonymous" from the menu when you comment. That would be AWESOME! After all that’s what this site is all about! Remember, 100% anonymity from all people posting!

So here is your mission this week. Since this is the first post, tell me what you think! If you are able to comment please do. Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what you think I should change (don’t worry I won’t hate you. I won’t even know who you are!)

So long for now and thank you so much for reading SOS!

~Miss Naz~