Dear Readers,

This is a blog for all, not just Nazareth so I feel the need to say what this blog is about. We, the students and alumni of Nazareth Academy, are losing our school, our home, our Alma Mater and joining with our rival school Aquinas. Here is my view, the view of a Nazareth student. Enjoy!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Welcome students, alumni, friends, family, and random bored people who really have nothing to do with Naz (don’t worry, you’re welcome anyways,) to the very first post of SOS (Save Our School.)

If you’re reading this, most likely you or your friend, or your friend’s friend, or SOMEONE has stumbled upon my new blog! Who am I you ask? Well guess what. I’m not going to tell you. That’s right. I will remain 100% anonymous (hopefully) as I continue to post here. I do go to our beloved Nazareth Academy and so have others in my family. I am here to give the inside look at Naz.

Now some of you may be wondering, “Why am I here?” Well if you don’t know (where have you been?!) our school is closing. No, I’m not expecting to write this blog and everything will be fine, but I do feel that I can’t just sit back and watch 138 years of tradition end without saying a word.

This blog is for those of us who feel the same. Those of us who feel there is more to be said about how WE feel.

This is the place for those of us who won’t give up, those of us with a little more fight left in them.

And someday, I hate to say, this will be the place of anonymous encouragement. A place where we cannot judge a single person by their class year, current school, or who their friends are, but by the knowledge that every last one of us is a Naz girl and will always be a Naz girl.

I want to try and post about once a week maybe. Anyone can comment if they want to, you don't need an account. Just select "anonymous" from the menu when you comment. That would be AWESOME! After all that’s what this site is all about! Remember, 100% anonymity from all people posting!

So here is your mission this week. Since this is the first post, tell me what you think! If you are able to comment please do. Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what you think I should change (don’t worry I won’t hate you. I won’t even know who you are!)

So long for now and thank you so much for reading SOS!

~Miss Naz~


  1. There has been a tremendous wave of emotions around the partnership between Naz and AQ. I am part of the Naz family and always will be. Some people may label me as a traditionalist and maybe so. My generation survived Vatican II which caused many concerns within the Church. Obviously, we survived and today we are a Church that is very involved in social justice issues. We will survive this change and as noted before the traditon of Naz and the SSJ's will always live in the hearts of not only the "ladies of Nazareth" but in all of God's people, no matter what catholic christian-based school educates young people.

  2. I am a grad and so was my mom and my niece will be graduating. All three of us are good women in our own inimitable ways; that goodness has been nurtured at NAZARETH.
