Dear Readers,

This is a blog for all, not just Nazareth so I feel the need to say what this blog is about. We, the students and alumni of Nazareth Academy, are losing our school, our home, our Alma Mater and joining with our rival school Aquinas. Here is my view, the view of a Nazareth student. Enjoy!

~Miss Naz~

Friday, April 23, 2010

The tradition that is Nazareth!

Well some of you may have noticed that I put up a question on the blog. (look to the right!) Thank you to the two who voted last week and I’m so glad you love the blog! Don’t forget to vote again this week!

So how is everyone enjoying their spring break? I am loving mine! And you know over break I was talking to some people about Nazareth. (note these people do NOT go to Nazareth, as I’m sure you could figure out during the conversation) I mentioned how I will miss all of the people and I will also miss the building. They told me “What because you’re not going to be in a building next year? It’s just a building, what makes that one so special?”

History. And no, I don’t mean the history classes. I mean the history of the building, which is very evident. While a friend of mine from AQ was looking through some Nazareth pictures from the sixties, she said “Wow! These are the same seats that are still in the auditorium!”

Nothing has changed in Nazareth! And while some may see that as boring, I see it as preservation! I mean would we walk into a national park, see one of the long houses and say “Yeah it’s good,…. But lets add a room!” No! Some things are just meant to stay the way they are. I believe the Nazareth building is one of those things. Tradition is something you do not break, especially family traditions, and walking in the history of Nazareth Academy is the Nazareth family tradition.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Naz Girls

You know the saying “Once a Naz girl always a Naz girl.” Lately I have been thinking though, what does it mean to be a Naz girl? Oh let me count the ways!

Being a Naz girl isn’t about just having a diploma from Nazareth and going to an all girls private school. Being a Naz girl means having that connection with all other Naz girls, no matter what graduating year. Being a Naz girl means having the confidence to walk up to any one wearing a Nazareth shirt, no matter where you are, and starting a conversation.

Being a Naz girl means going to a school with the diversity of a public school, mentality and education of a private school. Being a Naz girl means looking out for our sisters.

Being a Naz girl means having fun during school, being able to finger paint, play with play dough, and run to search for Easter eggs with out people looking at you weird (mostly either because they are doing the same thing or are extremely jealous.) Being a Naz girl means wanting to jump into a giant plastic ball pit any day.

Being a Naz girl means wandering around after you finished your lunch and none of the teachers have to worry about you getting in trouble. Being a Naz girl means daydreaming about Nazareth cookies before lunch and wishing you had another one after lunch. Being a Naz girl means eating pizza every Tuesday and pasta every Thursday.

Being a Naz girl means waking up and not fussing in front of the mirror for an hour (we don’t have to impress any boys!)

Being a Naz girl means doing stuff like turning pennies gold, having tug-of-wars on the front lawn, and decorating the school for special occasions.

Being a Naz girl means not liking EVERYONE in your class, but working hard to get along.

Being a Naz girl means coming together on that sad day our school closed and helping everyone get through it.

This is what being a Naz girl means. It means working hard, but still having fun. It means helping each other, getting along, and working together. That’s what I will miss when I walk into school next year.

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Luck to Our Teachers!

Yesterday was a very sad day for many Nazareth students. I would like to say congratulations to Mrs. Ziewers who found a new job in Buffalo… starting Monday. We will all miss you Mrs. Z and we are so sad that you could not finish the school year with us. But we do wish you good luck!

Also good luck to all of the other teachers who have found new jobs! Mr. Hendrick, Nazareth Academy’s AWESOME Physics teacher has found a job at Mercy! Also, the coaches, Coach Belmont and Vice Principal Mr. McKee, and also Mr. Miller, our chorus director, have all found jobs at Bishop Kearney.

I was actually pretty sad when I first found out and it was a little hard to be happy at the time. Since I am going to Aquinas, it’s sad when I hear that a teacher is going to a different school.

Which also brings up this question: Are any teachers going to Aquinas? I mean I am happy for teachers that have found jobs at other schools, but since this is a “merge” with Aquinas, why hasn’t any teachers been offered jobs there yet?

So here are the stats so far: Bishop Kearney: 3, Mercy: 1, Aquinas: 0.

I personally am a little nervous that so far this “merge” has brought no teachers. If you are student going to Aquinas next year, tell me what you think about this. Also if you have heard that any teachers are going to Aquinas next year, mention that too.

Congrats to all of the teachers who have found jobs again! We hope you like the new school as much as Nazareth! And Mrs. Z, good luck Monday, we are all praying for you!

~Miss Naz~

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enough With the Rumors!

I have heard many rumors about what happened that day when we found out that the school was closing. And you know what? I’m sick of it! Sure some are true! But most of them are so far off it just makes you wonder how they could have possibly been started! So here is my account of what happened:

I came into school that morning after hearing some small whispers and rumors spreading around Facebook the night before. How the news got out, no one is totally sure. I have heard that it was spread by the Aquinas students and I have also heard it was spread by the Nazareth students. But no matter how it was spread, students were not supposed to know until they announced it in the auditorium.

So anyways, back to the rumors and Facebook. Mostly I ignored the rumors, thinking it was false. When I walked into school, we were in the middle of morning prayer and the reader was crying. I knew right then that the news was true. Nazareth Academy would not be open for another year.

We gathered together in the auditorium that day and cried. The teachers told us to go and talk to our friends. After a few minutes of talking we all got up on stage, our whole small, yet mighty, family and sang the school song. After that, we gathered in a large circle, held hands, and prayed. As I looked around the circle of sisters, I noticed not I single one of us was standing there without tears and neither was I. This is the moment I realized that this would be our last year together as a family.

After sometime, the teachers told us it was time to go back to class. So we got up, and walked to class, ending the beginning of the saddest day of our lives.

But don’t forget our parents mind you! Some of our parents found out from Facebook, some found out in the worst way possible, aka the media. My parents found out while online while others found out when cameras were shoved into their cars and people screaming asking what they thought, mean while they don’t even know what is going on!

So that is what happened! That is the whole truth! So you can throw away the rumors about “Nazareth students refusing to go to class” or “Teachers tell students and parents in the auditorium so they don’t have to find out from media” because its not true! And yes I know the latter is sort of against my school but its the truth and this post is about the truth! (There’s something you wouldn’t expect to find on a blog!)

Tell me any rumors you may have heard. I’ll try my best to say if they are true or not. You readers are here because you want to know about Nazareth so you should hear what is true.

That’s it for this week. Happy Easter to you and your whole family and I hope to have you back next week on SOS!

~Miss Naz~