Dear Readers,

This is a blog for all, not just Nazareth so I feel the need to say what this blog is about. We, the students and alumni of Nazareth Academy, are losing our school, our home, our Alma Mater and joining with our rival school Aquinas. Here is my view, the view of a Nazareth student. Enjoy!

~Miss Naz~

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enough With the Rumors!

I have heard many rumors about what happened that day when we found out that the school was closing. And you know what? I’m sick of it! Sure some are true! But most of them are so far off it just makes you wonder how they could have possibly been started! So here is my account of what happened:

I came into school that morning after hearing some small whispers and rumors spreading around Facebook the night before. How the news got out, no one is totally sure. I have heard that it was spread by the Aquinas students and I have also heard it was spread by the Nazareth students. But no matter how it was spread, students were not supposed to know until they announced it in the auditorium.

So anyways, back to the rumors and Facebook. Mostly I ignored the rumors, thinking it was false. When I walked into school, we were in the middle of morning prayer and the reader was crying. I knew right then that the news was true. Nazareth Academy would not be open for another year.

We gathered together in the auditorium that day and cried. The teachers told us to go and talk to our friends. After a few minutes of talking we all got up on stage, our whole small, yet mighty, family and sang the school song. After that, we gathered in a large circle, held hands, and prayed. As I looked around the circle of sisters, I noticed not I single one of us was standing there without tears and neither was I. This is the moment I realized that this would be our last year together as a family.

After sometime, the teachers told us it was time to go back to class. So we got up, and walked to class, ending the beginning of the saddest day of our lives.

But don’t forget our parents mind you! Some of our parents found out from Facebook, some found out in the worst way possible, aka the media. My parents found out while online while others found out when cameras were shoved into their cars and people screaming asking what they thought, mean while they don’t even know what is going on!

So that is what happened! That is the whole truth! So you can throw away the rumors about “Nazareth students refusing to go to class” or “Teachers tell students and parents in the auditorium so they don’t have to find out from media” because its not true! And yes I know the latter is sort of against my school but its the truth and this post is about the truth! (There’s something you wouldn’t expect to find on a blog!)

Tell me any rumors you may have heard. I’ll try my best to say if they are true or not. You readers are here because you want to know about Nazareth so you should hear what is true.

That’s it for this week. Happy Easter to you and your whole family and I hope to have you back next week on SOS!

~Miss Naz~


  1. Hey Naz Girl! I definitely like this post, because as AQ Girl, I can tell you I've heard several rumors, most of which weren't true at all. I too was shocked when I heard, though I'm glad it was from the school and not the media. I feel rather sorry for anyone (including parents) who had to hear from anyone else. My parents actually didn't hear from the news, I called them to let them know as soon as I could.

  2. Happy Easter, Naz Girl!

    ~Dr. K
