Dear Readers,

This is a blog for all, not just Nazareth so I feel the need to say what this blog is about. We, the students and alumni of Nazareth Academy, are losing our school, our home, our Alma Mater and joining with our rival school Aquinas. Here is my view, the view of a Nazareth student. Enjoy!

~Miss Naz~

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Religion classes being put to good use.....

If you had asked me last week if I had settled into Aquinas yet, I would have said no. I f you asked me today, I would have to say yes. I am now in 3x more clubs than I was in last year and I am no longer walking around completely lost. (Thank God)
I think this week there is only one thing bothering me. This weeks post is for the parents with kids who are in ethics class. Do you know what we are learning about right now in ethics class? You will be surprised. We are currently learning about the history of Aquinas. Yes that means that next week we will be having a test that includes questions like "What Aquinas football player was the old Aquinas football stadium named after?" Wait, we are getting graded on that? Yes. Yes we are.
If I was the one paying thousands of dollars to send my son/daughter to Catholic school just to find out that their Religion classes are being used for this, I would be a little upset. But apparently this is required by the school because they feel the seniors should know the history of their school. (Who founded it, when it became co-ed.... stuff like that)
So again, what do you think?
~Miss Naz~


  1. If I was a parent I would be very dissatisfied. You can learn about the school by just googling Aquinas Institute. It would be one thing to briefly touch on the school history for one day. But an ethics class should be just that.

  2. I agree completely. I know that one of my AQ friends finds the whole class very interesting because she is learning a ton about her school, but still. You're in ethics, you learn ethics. You're in math, you learn math. You're in AQ history, you learn AQ history. And that's it. Simple as that.
